Household Information
Number of members in Household (please include yourself) |
Household Member Information (please include yourself) |
Do you have any children that live outside of the home? |
If yes, how many and whom do they live with? |
Total Household Income | |
Place of Birth | |
Number of Siblings | |
Are you in contact with any extended family members? | |
Highest Level of Education | |
Professional Licensure or Certifications | |
Are you currently employed? | |
Name of Employer | |
Position/Title | |
Length of time with this employer | |
Medical Information
Current Medications |
Other Medication/Over-the-Counter/Herbals: |
Any known allergies | |
If yes, please describe: |
Mental Health History
Symptom History - Check any of the following problems that you have experienced in the past six (6) months: |
Other comments about symptoms: |
Have you ever been in counseling before: | |
If yes, did you find it helpful? |
Have you ever been hospitalized for mental health reasons? | |
Please list hospitals and dates: |
Have you ever had thoughts of harming yourself, or suicidal thoughts? | |
Have you ever had thoughts of harming others? | |
Have you ever been prescribed any medications for mental health concerns? | |
Please list all medication you have been prescribed: |
Substance Abuse History
How often do you drink alcohol? |
Other comments about alcohol use: |
Have you ever used any other drug, such as marijuana, cocaine, meth, LSD, heroin or any other street or prescription drugs that were not prescribed to you? | |
Please list which the drugs you have used in the past 10 years: |
Have you ever had a DUI? | |
How many and dates of offense? | |
Have you ever been treated for alcohol or drug abuse? | |
Have you ever attended AA/NA or any other peer support recovery group? | |
Does anyone in your family have a problem drinking and/or using drugs? | |
If so, who? | |
Domestic Relationship History
Are you currently in a committed relationship? | |
If yes, for how long? | |
Has your partner done any of the following to you or a loved one? |
Expectations and Interests
In your own words, why did you come in for services today? |
What do you expect to gain from your experience with JF&CS? |
Is there anything in your life about which you feel especially proud? Explain: |
What are your dreams or goals for your life? |
Please describe a time in your life when you were happiest. |
Have you ever been physically, sexually or emotionally abused by your partner, or anyone else in your life even once? If so, please explain: |
Have you ever physically, sexually or emotionally abused your partner, or anyone else in your life even once? If so, please explain: |
Is there anything else about you that you think is important for me to know? |
Were you referred by another clinician? | |
If yes, would you like for us to communicate with one another? |
Client Signature |
Signer Type: | |
| Client (Please click "Sign with Touch" and oversee / assist the Client in signing.) |
| Other (Please enter the Name of the signer below and indicate relationship with the Client then click "Sign with Touch" and oversee / assist the signing. For example: Jane Doe, mother) |
| |
Name: | |
| Sign with Touch
Form Updates |
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Date |
Action |
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